13 - 06 - 2024
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toughpower grand 850w platinumb

   Ever since I started testing ToughPower models I don’t recall a single one failing or producing bad results but the last 2-3 models of that line to have reached our lab have really taken things to a whole new level. That’s not only because they feature 80 Plus Platinum and Gold electrical efficiency coupled with rock solid rails and very high build quality but also because they are quite silent even at load. The fully modular design also helps quite a bit if you don’t end up using all cables (plus the future-proof feature may come in handy if something changes with the main power cable) and the reduced thickness of the flat modular cables ensure that you can route them behind the mainboard tray no matter how much room your case has. All that’s really left is for Thermaltake to take things even further with the release of the 80 Plus Titanium Certified ToughPower series (hopefully soon).

   With a current price tag set at USD169.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and at 176.41Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) you can’t really go wrong with the ToughPower Grand Platinum 850W power supply unit. There are of course many similar models in the market but not many offer 7 years warranty and that matters quite a bit as well. Overall the ToughPower Grand Platinum 850W PSU is one of the best to reach our lab in 2015 and that’s why it deserves our Platinum Award.


- Build Quality
- Design
- Excellent Rail Stability
- Fully Modular
- Flat Cables
- Almost Silent
- 7 Years Warranty
- 80 Plus Platinum Certified
- Electrical Protections
- Peak Output (1020W)
- Price (For Some)



- Current Availability