01 - 06 - 2024
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Since the Kuven A1 Pro doesn't come with a software CD you will need to download the latest drivers from their support page.



This is not the first time we've seen this control software so from the initial screen you can change the number of channels (7.1 is 8), type of speakers and enable/disable available bass enhancements.



You can also play around with the available mixers (both for the speakers and the microphone), choose the type and size of the environment (from the 21 available presets) and adjust the equalizer (or use one of the 11 available presets).




Finally if you're into Karaoke the control software also supports that feature (to be honest however i didn't test that feature at all).



tesoro kuven pro 27t

Here we see a picture of the Kuven A1 Pro and its control station on my desk (the purple LED beneath the aluminum plate is not bad but it would be even better if it was stronger).