14 - 06 - 2024
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tesoro kuven prob

   The first Kuven A1 7.1 virtual surround sound gaming headset offered very balanced audio both in games and in movies/music but lacked the positioning audio enthusiasts and hardcore gamers would like to experience. The Kuven A1 Pro improves on that area quite a bit but at the same time it drops slightly behind the original Kuven when listening to music. Highs are actually very good and so are mids but due to the several “small” drivers used inside it just lacks the bass levels and clarity of the original. Sure in games positioning audio matters more than bass but when you spend a good amount of cash for a gaming headset it goes without saying that you may use it with more than just playing games. The microphone really has nothing new to show when compared to all the others we’ve used in multiplayer games in the past but the good news is that it’s not beneath others either. As for quality don’t expect anything impressive but I can’t really blame Tesoro for wanting to keep costs down to affordable levels. Sure the hard plastic used in both the headset and the control station may not represent the product you’re getting but it’s not half bad either (I actually have no problem with it).

   So what does Tesoro ask currently for the Kuven A1 Pro? Well here we have very good news since you can get your hands on the Kuven A1 Pro True 5.1 Surround Sound Gaming Headset for just USD99.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 78Euros inside the EU (Amazon.co.uk). Granted you can find better quality headsets in the market for around the same money but not real 5.1 surround sound ones and that’s where the Kuven A1 Pro stands out. At the end of the day if gaming is your only thing then you should really check out the Kuven A1 Pro especially since it gets our Golden Award.



- Overall Quality
- Design
- Audio Quality (Very Good Mids/Highs)
- Real 5.1 Surround Sound (7.1 Virtual Surround Sound)
- Comfort (Diagonal Earcups / Thick Cushions)
- Foldable Design
- Control Station
- Purple Illumination
- Price



- Bass Levels