Since some of the NAS servers/devices we have tested in the past are no longer in our possession (naturally) we will keep performing the exact same testing methodology we did in the past for as long as possible in order to provide accurate comparison results. So as always we used a single Seagate Constellation ES.2 3TB SATA III hard disk drive with the QNAP TurboNAS TS-259 Pro+ (just like with all of the NAS units) and performed upload/download tests with a single 10.9GB file. Tests were repeated a total of 4 times after which we recorded the average numbers (from the 4 peak ones) into our charts. From this review and forward we will also be testing the noise levels of each NAS unit/server. Noise tests were performed with the exhaust fan(s) at both minim and maximum speeds from just 10cm away. Unfortunately since at this moment we don't have every unit we've reviewed in the past we could only test the ones we had. Finally the network device used is the same Netgear DGN3500 Gigabit ADSL2+ Modem/Router we always use when performing tests on NAS servers.