19 - 09 - 2024
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As usual in this section I’ll be covering the maximum resolution of the camera at hand (2592x1920p for this model) with optimized image settings (same as with previous TRENDnet models). All pictures are at full resolution.

Unfortunately, both without and with DWDR enabled the TV-IP1515PI lags behind many current models available by TRENDnet, both in terms of video quality and color reproduction. Did try many different combinations until I finally decided to upload this review but no matter what I just couldn't get what I wanted to see (sorry, my trees grew up quite a bit so they covered a bit of the area you can see in previous reviews).



What I did like was that with DWDR enabled night vision illuminates a very wide area but again, quality is not on par with what I was expecting from a 5MP IP camera model.