19 - 05 - 2024
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Although the TV-IP314PI is not a cloud IP camera thus you can't access it easily from anywhere in the world you can still download the android/iOS app to access it from your local network (and probably also DynDNS/No-IP if you set it up).


The app has reached version 2.0 and as you can see the first screen gives you 4 choices add a camera, scan on the local network for a camera, list all registered cameras and view one of them.




Since in the lab we also have the TV-IP310PI it was detected along with the TV-IP314PI.




The sub-stream used by this app has a resolution of 640x360 pixels at 20fps (you can also take snapshots and start recording the feed).



The app also allows you to adjust the auto-scan mode, change the aspect ratio and configure a drop-box account.




There-s also a multi-view feature which can be used to view the feed of more than just 1 IP camera but unfortunately it's not included with the free app version.