14 - 06 - 2024
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thrustmaster t248 review 1t

The wheel arrived inside a white and blue box that has a large product picture at the front along with the company logo, a smaller picture showcasing the small display screen and the PS4/5 compatibility logo.



The magnetic pedals are showcased on the left side of the box right over the system compatibility for this version.



Another product picture can be seen on the right side of the box which is used to showcase the main product features (right beneath it we find the bundle contents).



The main product features are listed at the rear in 11 different languages.



Several cardboard and foam pieces keep the bundle secure inside the box.



Along with the T248 racing wheel and T3PM pedals inside the box you’ll also find the desk mounting system, Allen key, extra spring, power supply with cord, USB-A cable, warranty information paper and the user manual.