13 - 06 - 2024
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Prior to playing any game i recommend heading into the control panel (after you install the drivers from the Thrustmaster support page - this wheel featured firmware 2.0 so an update was not needed) to check the status of the wheel and get familiarized with its buttons and axis (you can also download mapping pictures for games from the Thrustmaster support page).



thrustmaster t248 lcd 1t

The T-RDD racing screen looks nice but it’s not very practical, especially since you can’t easily see what it displays most of the time (not when mounted on your desk). That being said when used with a console and/or certain cockpits (primarily for the PC) it should be easier to read the display so it’s not a bad addition to the T248.



thrustmaster t248 1t

To sufficiently test the T248 Racing Wheel by Thrustmaster i used it for just over a full month with numerous titles like Forza Horizon 4/5, Forza Motorsport 7, Dirt Rally 2.0, Dirt 5, Need for Speed Heat, Assetto Corsa Competizione, Nascar 21 Ignition and F1 2022 (some screenshots you can see above - will be providing a video soon from another project which also includes the T248). Unfortunately, not every game behaved the same way, some really liked the T248 (increased compatibility obviously) while others would play better with the keyboard or a joypad. For example, Forza Horizon 4/5, Need for Speed Heat, Dirt 5 and F1 2022 were amazing with the T248. Force feedback is great, handling is very accurate (without even having to touch any of the various settings both in and out of each game), the pedals require just enough pressure to work (still not quite as stiff as those of a sports car but close) and overall, it just felt great using it at all times. Assetto Corsa Competizione, Dirt Rally 2.0 and Nascar 21 Ignition play quite well from the get go but you may need to spend a bit of time tweaking the various in-game settings of the wheel (not quite as responsive and accurate as the other games). When it comes to Forza Motorsport 7 however i really had a much better time using my keyboard. I don't know why that is, perhaps because the T248 is not listed in the game’s available wheel presets? I honestly don't know (and i even used a custom preset without luck), what i do know is that one of the best games i tried was not compatible with the T248 (still this game is known to not like wheels much), something which i hope Thrustmaster helps get fixed soon, if up to them that is (although Forza Motorsport 8 is just months away at this point).