01 - 06 - 2024
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THE T248







The T248 is neither the largest nor the smallest racing wheel I’ve used to date so it should be convenient to mount on most desks.



In terms of materials the when is made out of leather, foam and plastic (the rear paddle shifters seem to be made out of aluminum).



4 buttons a switch like button and 4 buttons placed like a D-pad are located on the left side of the wheel.



The LCD screen, activity LED and a button with the PlayStation logo on it are placed at the center.



On the right end of the wheel, we find 4 buttons, another switch like button and the usual PlayStation buttons.



As mentioned earlier the paddle shifters located on the other side of the wheel are probably made out of aluminum.



Numerous certifications are printed at the front of the wheel.



Turning the T248 we find the USB-C port (PS4/5 & PC), RJ11 port (pedals), power port and an extra port probably meant for the addon shifter (two mounts for cockpits are also present here along with grooves for routing of the cables).



The T3PM magnetic pedals may not be the top model by Thrustmaster but they work exceptionally well.



All three pedals feature aluminum covers and as you can all see the front rest has enough surface for your feet.



The spring at the rear of the brake pedal is there to increase resistance (just like a real brake pedal).



Taking a look at the base of the pedals we find 5 rubber feet and several cockpit mounts.