14 - 06 - 2024
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22 way pad comparison 001t

The first mousepad i had the chance to test is the gamerPro (basic size) by Alugraphics, one of the rather new companies in the field.



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I was surprised to see that Alugraphics packs their own mouse feet with the gamerPro which they recommend you use for the best possible mouse gliding experience.



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Aluminum pads have always been my favorite mainly because they are very durable and you can easily clean them if you drop coffee on them. The gamerPro basic measures 310mm in length, 230mm in width and just 0.8mm in height.



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Some may think that the basic size offers a small surface are but that's not the case as you can see from the above picture.



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With just 0.8mm height and a surrounding area which seems to be diamond cut the gamerPro looks and feels great.



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The rear of the gamer pro features a nice anti-glide coating which worked flawlessly during testing since not even once did the pad move. 




   It didn't take long for me to get attached to the Alugraphics gamerPro Basic pad not only because i always liked aluminum pads but also because it provides excellent precision and speed/glide regardless with which mouse you use. Even when lifted several millimeters both mice still worked without issue. Size-wise even the basic version offers plenty of surface but i think the XL version would be best for professionals and hardcore gamers. The only issue i found during testing is that the aluminum surface is very soft (compared to other aluminum pads) and so in just 9 days of use we placed two dents on it (however we've been using it since then with our 3rd system and we've seen no more).