01 - 06 - 2024
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22 way pad comparison 007t

CM Storm sent quite a few of their pads including the mainstream Battle Pad H2.



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The Battle Pad H2 is your typical cloth pad measuring 260mm in length, 210mm in width and 2mm in height.



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Unfortunately the surface area offered is quite small especially for large gaming mice like the Hellion.



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Because of their material cost-effective cloth pads like the Battle Pad H2 are almost impossible to clean without ruining them.



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At the rear of the Battle Pad H2 CM Storm has placed a nice anti-glide surface which actually worked well during testing.




    Unfortunately although the Battle Pad H2 proved to be somewhat accurate in terms of tracking its small surface ruined the entire feeling while the materials used are not what I’d call very durable. Still if you're on a very tight budget and you don't plan on keeping the pad for a long period of time then you might want to take a look at the Battle Pad H2. 






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I was glad to see that CM Storm also sent their high-end alloy/polypropylene coated pads like the HS-M Battle Pad SSK.



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This impressive pad measures 350mm in length, 260mm in width and 4mm in height.



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The HS-M Battle Pad SSK is quite large and should be sufficient even for hardcore gamers.



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You can easily see the top alloy coating and the bottom material from the above picture. 4mm in height is not much but it's still one of the thickest pads in this comparison.



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The anti-glide material used at the rear of the pad is very good and so the pad didn't even move an inch during use.




   Certainly one of the best mouse pads in this comparison largely thanks to its large surface and alloy coating which allowed both the Sensei and Kone[+] to perform flawlessly both in games and with normal everyday use. Tracking was precise and both gaming units were able to function even when lifted quite a few millimeters off. My only problem with the HS-M Battle Pad SSK was its thickness which if you have a small desk will make it a bit hard to place part of it beneath your keyboard (like i have to do). 






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Just like the HS-M Battle Pad SSK the Weapon of Choice M4 SSK also features the same alloy coating for improved glide.



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The design however is quite different and so although the Weapon Of Choice M4 SSK measures 350mm in length, 260mm in width and 4mm in height it doesn't offer the same surface area as the Battle Pad SSK.



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Still the weird design may appeal to some people and the provided surface area should be more than enough for most gamers out there.



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The alloy/polypropylene layers are very easy to spot (1/3mm).



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Since the M4 SSK pad is virtually the same as the Battle Pad SSK at the rear it features the same anti-glide material.




   A very good mouse pad with one of the best surfaces in this comparison (just like the Battle Pad SSK) providing excellent tracking accuracy and speed, however the strange design and the 4mm height are the two things i didn't enjoy while testing it and since you can opt for the Battle Pad SSK i see no reason in choosing the M4 SSK, unless of course you are drawn to its special design.