01 - 06 - 2024
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22 way pad comparison 046t

The biggest surprised arrived from Mad Catz and was no other than the Cyborg G.L.I.D.E.7.



22 way pad comparison 047t

Leaving out the large robot drawing on its surface the G.L.I.D.E.7 is a XXL size pad made by synthetic fabric measuring a total of 500mm in length, 400mm in width and 7mm in height.



22 way pad comparison 048t

True the G.L.I.D.E.7 is not the largest pad in this comparison but even so it still manages to dwarf the Hellion gaming mouse.



22 way pad comparison 049t

The laser cut synthetic fabric used is water resistant and has a nice feeling when used but the 7mm height may prove to be an inconvenience to some people (like i said i like placing part of the pad beneath my keyboard due to my desk being only 1m in length).



22 way pad comparison 050t

Madcatz has used a very efficient rear rubber anti-glide material which managed to keep the pad in place during all 9 days of testing (due to its weight i think that the pad would stay still even without it).




    The G.L.I.D.E.7 is an very special mouse pad since it features excellent tracking precision (at least with the two mice used), is water resistant, both units used could operate when lifted a few millimeters, provides a huge surface which makes it ideal for multi monitor use and also looks great. However its looks make it only ideal for home use (i don't think it would fit nicely on your desk at work) while the huge surface area (only 1 size available) and its 7mm thickness are two things that may discourage potential buyers.