26 - 06 - 2024
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Measuring 498mm in height, 477mm in width and 467mm in depth the roughly 19Kg Q1 Pro is a medium to large 3D printer.



The long 4.3inch color touchscreen is what steals the show at the front.



Unlike the X-Plus 3 there are no handles on the left and right panels (and yes, they were very convenient).



The clear acrylic top is removable for people who would like to print filaments like PLA.



A USB 2.0 port is located on the rear right top of the enclosure (would be easier to access at the front or the sides however).



At the rear we find two exhaust ports (interior fan and PSU fan), heater intake and the spool holder area.



We also find the filament tube which is stuck onto the enclosure.



The filament holder extends on the left side of the enclosure but i have seen people using a spool holder which extends upwards (haven't checked to see whether that's a custom holder or sold extra by QIDI).



I started my tests with ABS rapido yellow filament by QIDI which ended up taking more or less the same time as PLA.



The dual-sided textured PEI plate is held in place magnetically so it's easy to remove for cleaning (or replacement).



Just like the K1 Max by Creality the Q1 Pro by QIDI also comes with an 1080p camera which can be used for remote monitoring and timelapses.



At the rear we also see the heater, blower type fan, removable filament collector with a cleaning brush and an exhaust fan at the rear top.



The direct drive extruder is covered by a plastic enclosure (easy to remove) and yes, the printer comes with fully automated bed leveling (dual sensors).



So, after removing all stickers and cable ties inside we are good to go.