26 - 06 - 2024
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   Just like with the X-Plus 3 I used QIDIslicer with the Q1 Pro with the same settings i use for all my 3D FDM printer reviews (quality of 0.16mm, 20% infill density and cubic infill pattern). Everything else also remains the same so I’ll be using 2 different sized models (downloaded from Cults3D / member Eastman) to record completion time at 100% speed. Second thing to test are noise levels and so once again I’ll be using my ExTech HD600 decibel meter placed roughly 30cm away to record the maximum noise coming from the 3D printer while printing. As for the 3rd test with the help of an UPS and two power meters I decided to also record not only the lowest and highest but also the average instant power consumption of the 3D printer in my hands.



qidi q1 pro review 38t   

Unlike past reviews I decided to focus a bit more on ABS printing this time over (aside my PLA tests) and well I wasn't disappointed by the Q1 Pro (short clip is now available in both TikTok & YouTube).



    I feel it’s also worth pointing out that the removable filament collector with the cleaning brush actually work.