28 - 02 - 2025
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To control the W020 WiFi Alarm System (apparently in some areas it's the W020 and in others the W020i) you will need to download the corresponding smart app from the app/play stores.




The app has two setup modes, quick and manual.



If for some reason the automatic mode doesn't work you can use the manual mode by following the steps described.




Even manual however may not always work (for example we got the above error more times than i can count (but we're pretty certain it was due to an incompatibility with our Netgear modem/router).




From the main tab of the app you can reset the network configuration (WiFi logo at the left top), add an IP6 camera (right top logo), arm/disarm the alarm and place it in stay mode.




All of the available settings such as adding new accessories (sirens, sensors and remotes), setting the siren (internal or external if you add one) volume level (high by default), entry/exit delay times (PIR sensors), auto arm/disarm (timed), checking logs (history) and placing a passcode to use the program are placed on the 2nd page.




Adding the IP6 WiFi Camera is very easy and just requires you to name it (using as name the where you placed it helps if you decide to get more than just one camera), place a password and also choose the local WiFi network name and password (so it can connect with it and be accessible through it).




A small window gives you a live feed of what the IP6 WiFi Camera sees and records (from the buttons beneath you can take a snapshot, start recording, listen and talk).




From the settings screen you can adjust the WiFi configuration, change video quality settings, change the camera password, sync time with the local network, update the firmware and delete the camera from the system.




By default video quality is not that great since it is set at middle so switching to high should be a priority.




My living room always has 2 lights on and as you can see with that amount of light the IP6 offers good image quality.




Unfortunately due to the lack of IR LEDs with only some light coming in through the glass door panels you can see nothing in the room (pitch black i believe is the term).