01 - 06 - 2024
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For the Z9X Zidoo has used a sandblasted aluminum enclosure which measures 189mm in length, 129mm in width and 25.5mm in height.



Strangely enough both the enclosure of the Z9X and the enclosure of the Pro 4K II are almost identical (the Antennas used are the main difference).



A small VFW/LCD screen is also located at the front of the enclosure right next to the Zidoo logo.



The two USB 3.0 ports and the SATA connector are located on the right side whereas the left side has two perforated sections, a reset button and the two USB 2.0 ports.



Turning the enclosure around we see the two antenna mounts, RJ45 Gigabit LAN port, HDMI v2.0a output, HDMI v2.0 input, AV out (composite and analog stereo), optical S/PDIF output, RS232 port, DC in and an on/off power button.



Four rubber feet are located on the perforated base of the enclosure.