13 - 06 - 2024
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zidoo z9x gui 1t

The GUI Zidoo is using may not look as "premium/professional" as the Dune HD one but thanks to its large letters and boxes it does seem very easy to navigate.



By default, the time zone is set in Shenzhen but you can easily change that just by going into that tab.



Zidoo ships the Z9X with a total of 15 apps by default.



I checked for firmware updates both when i first started using the Z9X and when i decided to take screenshots (not just to showcase the version used but also just in case).



From the media center you can browse all connected drives (either via USB or in the local LAN).



The home theater 3.0 app scans for content on connected drives and the downloads their Blu-Ray covers.



Of course, the movie plot and the movie rating are also provided just before you start playback.



The settings page is divided into 4 tabs the first of which allows you to change the frame rate mode, set what you'd like to be the default language when watching movies, enable 3D to 2D mode, automatically load specific language subtitles, set the Blu-Ray region, adjust audio offset and enable/disable the automatic download of subtitles.



From inside the display tab you can change the resolution and frequency, adjust the various color settings, set the screen scale, adjust the picture parameters (for both SDR and HDR), adjust HDR to SDR, enable/disable the MaxCLL and MaxFALL mode (if you encounter pink video output switch this off), choose the HDCP version, set the preferred time before the screen saver comes up and choose the desired wallpaper.