01 - 06 - 2024
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Inside the audio tab you can choose the preferred audio modes for both HDMI and SPDIF, enable/disable the downmix audio HD function, enable/disable sampling rate, and enable/disable USB audio.



The network tab is self-explanatory so from here you can setup WiFi and wired connectivity, use Bluetooth to connect with peripherals and finally you can enable/disable the DLNA DMR service.



From the final tab (other) you can change the GUI language, change the power key function, change the LCD screen brightness and displayed information, enable/disable HDD sleep, change the power mode, enable/disable HDMI CEC control, perform a firmware update, use the reset function and check the about for information on the player.



A cleanup app which can free RAM and storage is also pre-loaded in the player.



The Z9X obviously also supports YouTube and Netflix but neither is pre-loaded by default.



You can also add one extra apps on the lower bar by clicking on the + icon.



In case some of you are wondering the Z9X had no problem detecting the local NAS and the files stored in it.