13 - 06 - 2024
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quality 1t

Even though i recently moved to the Nikon D3500 DSLR camera I’m still not confident it can reproduce the exact picture quality in total darkness so to counter this (at least partially) i have uploaded the full pictures on the server. Just like with past 4K media players i used the same testing suite (converted several UHD blu-rays to H.265 HEVC MKV including Shazam, Braveheart, Gemini Man - if you haven't watched it still you should if not for the movie then for picture quality - Batman Begins and Joker) and honestly i saw no visible difference between the Z9X and the Pro 4K II (both produced vivid colors, smooth and clear picture and crisp audio - as mentioned earlier if you encounter pink video output just disable the MaxCLL and MaxFALL mode, this worked for me). Just like with the Pro 4K II player by Dune HD i also decided to test the Z9X by Zidoo with several HDR H265 HEVC 10-bit demo files with bitrates all the way up to 400 Mbit/s and to my surprise even though the former managed to work fine with files up to 300 Mbit/s the latter just wouldn't play anything over 200 Mbit/s. Considering these two players are very similar (this could be related to the reduced RAM) i thought i was going to get the same results but obviously that wasn't the case (to most people this will not be an issue but some may like the ability to play HDR H265 HEVC 10-bit media with bitrates all the way up to 300 Mbit/s).