26 - 06 - 2024
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Measuring 283mm in length, 47mm in depth and 97mm in height the Times Game is roughly the same size of a tenkeyless keyboard.



At the front we find the five 1.44-inch IPS LCD displays along with two pieces of plastic on the sides which house most of the RGB LEDs.



The on/off, light, mode and brightness level buttons are located at the top of the Times Gate.



As you can see the Times Gate sits on two legs (one on each side) which are made of plastic and are removable (orange part).



Several RGB LEDs are also placed at the rear of the Times Gate (to be more accurate at the rear of the screens) and here we can also see the USB-C port.



Above you can see some of the available screens (and some i put together myself) for the Times Gate (will also be uploading a video on TikTok and YouTube soon).