26 - 06 - 2024
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divoom times gate review b

    The Times Gate is one of the best looking desktop gadgets I’ve seen in a long time and that says a lot. Build quality is good (not great by any stretch of the imagination), the IPS LCD displays look nice and the plethora of information you can show them should cover pretty much everyone out there. Not all is perfect however and so one of the main issues I encountered during the 2 weeks I was using the Times Gate was delay between the when I chose something from the app and then when it was actually displayed on the screens. Another issue is that each time the power is cut off the device returns to its original settings, something which could had been avoided had Divoom placed even a very small rechargeable battery pack (if just to store settings). The app is also not that easy to navigate and use in general, so I do hope Divoom revamps it sooner rather than later.

    With a price tag currently set at USD149.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 126.70Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) the Times Gate is priced more or less well (a bit higher than expected on the other side of the Atlantic). At the end of the day, I really liked the Times Gate device by Divoom, yes, it’s a bit rough around the edges but it delivers where it matters (looks) and for that I strongly recommend checking it out.



- Design
- 5 IPS Full Color LCD Displays
- Plethora Of Functions
- 45 RGB LEDs
- Available Customization


- Settings Reset When Off Power
- Function Delay (App To Device)
- App Design